CIN offers a range of professional development opportunities to its members, including the following:
Workshop Meetings
CIN hosts quarterly Network-wide meetings that are structured as workshops, combining presentations, small group work, reflection, resource sharing, and networking. Each workshop focuses on a specific theme, driven by member interests and needs. The foundation underlying all network content is the development of programming and practices that embody positive youth development. Topics have included evaluation, authentic reflection, youth retention, and many others. Workshops offer a forum for internship staff to share ideas, learn from each other and develop solutions to issues of mutual concern. Workshops are hosted by YDI and by member organizations.
Sample Workshops:
Training Series
On occasion, CIN offers members practice institutes or a training series to provide more in-depth coverage of a topics or enable a member cohort with a unique or special interest to have a more intensive exposure to an area of interest or need. These series typically focus on evaluation or supervision.
Site visits
Site visits give the Network coordinator an opportunity to observe individual programs and identify practices to highlight during CIN meetings, to connect participating programs to learn from each other or to identify organizations that may benefit from individual technical assistance.
Technical Assistance
Members in good standing may access one-on-one technical assistance to address a special concern or a practice gap that requires intensive work and an individual focus. Technical assistance engagements entail three sessions of on-site focused work with the Network Coordinator.